Novel flame retardants (NFRs) have emerged as chemicals of environmental health concern due to their widespread use as an alternative to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in electrical and electronic devices. Humans and ecosystems are under threat because of e-waste recycling procedures that may emit NFRs and other anthropogenic chemicals into the e-waste workplace and the surrounding environment. The individual toxicity of NFRs including novel brominated flame retardants (NBFRs), their combined effects and the underlying mechanisms of toxicity have remained poorly understood. Exposure assessment as well as chemical safety testing should focus on prioritizing N(B)FRs for regulation and management. Here, the occurrence of N(B)FRs in the vicinity and surroundings of e-waste recycling sites are presented. Important knowledge gaps and prospects for a more integrated, harmonized, and mechanistically positioned risk assessment strategy for N(B)FRs as well as possible economically feasible and environmentally sustainable approaches for removing them from complex matrices are highlighted. Overall, data in the ng to µg-ranges of N(B)FR in soil, dust, sediment, water and fish were found. Dust and soil sample concentrations ranged from the low ng to low µg/g range while water concentrations were always in the low ng/L range (∼0.5 to ∼4 ng/L). Concentration in fish was usually in the range of 3- ∼300 ng/g with two substances in the low to medium-high µg/g range (DBDPE, BTBPE). From the 20 N(B)FR analysed in sediment samples only 10 were above detection limit. Most chemicals were found in a low ng/g range.
Keywords: Ecotoxicological impacts; Environmental contamination; Lipophilic compounds; Persistent chemicals; Sustainable management strategies.
Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V.