Psoriasis: Perspectives from Irwin M. Braverman, MD

Clin Dermatol. 2024 Dec 21:S0738-081X(24)00281-5. doi: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2024.12.016. Online ahead of print.


Dr. Irwin M. Braverman is recognized as an expert on many skin diseases including psoriasis, an immune-mediated disorder that presents with scaly erythematous plaques. The most common clinical subtype is plaque psoriasis, with scalp, inverse, guttate, pustular, and nail psoriasis representing additional subtypes. Psoriasis has been associated with several comorbidities, particularly psoriatic arthritis, which affects up to 30% of those with psoriasis. Psoriasis can have an enormous impact on patients, and Dr. Braverman reflects that "it is hard to think of another disease that can be so destructive or impactful." Over the course of his career, Dr. Braverman treated many patients with psoriasis and observed several significant therapeutic advances, including the widespread use of psoralens with ultraviolet A phototherapy (PUVA) and the introduction of methotrexate. He also contributed to research on the pathophysiology of psoriasis, studying the hallmark dilated capillary loops. Ultimately, Dr. Braverman believes that "taking care of a patient with psoriasis goes into the making of a dermatologist."

Keywords: Goeckerman regimen; blood vessels; electron microscopy; methotrexate; phototherapy; psoriasis.