The role of deep layer superior colliculus neurons in prepulse inhibition and the impact of spatial separation in male rats

Neuroscience. 2024 Dec 24:S0306-4522(24)00754-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2024.12.047. Online ahead of print.


Prepulse inhibition (PPI) refers to the phenomenon in which a weak sensory stimulus before a strong one significantly reduces the startle reflex caused by the strong stimulus. Perceptual spatial separation, a phenomenon where auditory cues from the prepulse and background noise are distinguished in space, has been shown to enhance PPI. This study aims to investigate the neural modulation mechanisms of PPI by the spatial separation between the prepulse stimulus and background noise, particularly in the deep superior colliculus (deepSC). The experiment used 11 anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats, with electrodes implanted in the left deepSC nd the right inferior colliculus (IC). The prepulse stimulus was a segment of narrowband noise, with interaural time differences adjusted so that the prepulse stimulus and background noise were perceived as either ipsilaterally leading or contralaterally leading, resulting in perceptual spatial fusion or spatial separation. The results showed that under conditions of spatial separation, the stimulus-response coherence of the envelope and fine structure components of the prepulse stimulus in the deepSC was significantly enhanced, the response of the deepSC to the stimulus was significantly reduced in the presence of the prepulse stimulus, and the envelope component of the prepulse stimulus was positively correlated with the inhibitory effect. The above results suggest that perceptual spatial dissociation can significantly enhance the expression of deepSC, particularly the precision of the envelope component, thereby significantly affecting the electrophysiological response of PPI.

Keywords: Deeper layers of the superior colliculus (deepSC); Electrophysiological response; Envelope component; Fine structure component; Prepulse inhibition (PPI); Schizophrenia; Spatial separation.