Objective: The hikikomori phenomenon has recently gained growing global interest, and evidences of its association with other psychopathological dimensions are slowly but steadily emerging. We aimed to evaluate the presence and correlates of hikikomori tendencies in an Italian University population, focusing on its relationships with autism spectrum, pathological computer gaming, and eating disorders. In particular, to our knowledge, no study has yet systematically evaluated the latter association, using psychometric instruments tailored to assess eating disorder symptoms.
Methods: 2574 students were recruited via an online survey. All participants were assessed with the Hikikomori Questionnaire-25 (HQ-25), the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum Questionnaire (AdAS Spectrum), the Eating Attitude test-26 (EAT-26), and the Assessment of Internet and Computer Game Addiction (AICA-S).
Results: The results outlined how hikikomori risk was significantly correlated to autistic dimensions, altered eating behaviors, and videogame addiction. The closest relationship was detected with the autism spectrum. Interestingly, pathological computer gaming, most autistic dimensions, and EAT-26 oral control emerged as significant predictors of a greater risk for hikikomori, while the proneness to inflexibility and adherence to routine emerged as negative predictors.
Conclusions: Our findings support the association among hikikomori, autism spectrum, pathological computer game use, and eating disorder symptoms.
Keywords: Hikikomori; autism spectrum disorder; autistic traits; feeding and eating disorders; video game addiction.