To evaluate the effects of tillage measure on soil organic carbon (SOC) and influence degree of various factors on relative change rate of SOC at regional scale, we conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the impacts of tillage measures (CK, traditional deep tillage without straw return; NTS, no tillage with straw return; NT, no tillage without straw return; TS, traditional tillage with straw return; SS, subsoiling tillage) on SOC content and influence factors (climate conditions, soil types, cultivation types, and initial soil physicochemical properties) on relative change rate of SOC in dryland wheat fields on the Loess Plateau, based on literatures published during 2000-2023. Results indicated that NT, NTS, SS and TS performed varies positive effect on SOC content in 0-20 cm soil layer compared with CK. In addition, greater enhancement of SOC were obtained in conditions of loessal soil, mid-temperate zone, average annual temperature of ≤10 ℃ and average annual rainfall of ≤500 mm. It was favorable to carbon sequestration when the initial SOC ≥10 g·kg-1, alkaline nitrogen ≥60 mg·kg-1, available phosphorus ≥20 mg·kg-1 and available potassium ≥120 mg·kg-1. However, accumulation of SOC could be weakened under higher total nitrogen content (≥1 g·kg-1). In conclusion, NTS treatment performs better carbon sequestration effect in the topsoil and can be used as suitable tillage measure in dryland wheat fields on the Loess Plateau region.
为在区域尺度上定量分析耕作措施对黄土高原麦田土壤有机碳的影响,并在此基础上分析各类因素对有机碳相对变化率的影响程度,基于2000—2023年国内外发表文献,以传统耕作翻耕秸秆不还田(CK)为对照,利用Meta分析研究免耕秸秆还田(NTS)、免耕秸秆不还田(NT)、传统耕作翻耕秸秆还田(TS)和深松耕作(SS)对麦田土壤有机碳的影响,并解析气候条件、土壤类型、耕作类型及土壤初始理化性质等因素的影响程度。结果表明: 与CK相比,NT、NTS、SS、TS 4种耕作措施均对土壤0~20 cm有机碳含量有不同程度的正效应。综合来看,NTS处理提高耕层土壤有机碳的效果最好。当土壤类型为黄绵土、且在中温带、年均气温≤10 ℃、年均降雨量≤500 mm时,土壤有机碳的增幅最高;在土壤初始有机碳≥10 g·kg-1、碱解氮≥60 mg·kg-1、有效磷≥20 mg·kg-1和速效钾≥120 mg·kg-1时更有利于有机碳的固存,但是较高的全氮含量(≥1 g·kg-1)会降低土壤有机碳的累积。综上,相对于传统耕作,NTS处理对麦田耕层土壤有机碳的固存效果最好,可作为黄土高原地区麦田增碳沃土的适宜耕作措施。.
Keywords: climate factor; dryland wheat field; initial soil property; soil organic carbon; tillage measure.