Objective: To establish a novel laryngopharyngeal reflux model in Bama minipigs excluding concurrent gastroesophageal reflux through endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy. Methods: Twelve 8-month-old male Bama minipigs were randomly assigned to three groups: Group 1 underwent cricopharyngeal myotomy alone, Group 2 underwent combined cricopharyngeal and lower esophageal sphincter myotomy, and Group 3 served as the control group. Following a one-week acclimatization period, the respective surgical procedures were performed. At 2 weeks postoperatively, laryngopharyngeal pH monitoring was conducted on all pigs. At 8 weeks, histopathological assessment using hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining, transmission electron microscopy of the laryngopharyngeal mucosa, and quantification of pepsin in the laryngopharyngeal and distal esophageal mucosa were performed to analyze intergroup differences and to elucidate the occurrence and pathologic featuresof LPR. Results: Two weeks postoperatively, experimental groups exhibited laryngopharyngeal reflux episodes with pH<5.0, in contrast to the control group. HE staining at 8 weeks revealed inflammatory changes in the laryngopharyngeal mucosa of Groups 1 and 2, accompanied by increased intercellular spaces and decreased desmosome density under electron microscopy, indicating a pathogenic mechanism involving disruption of intercellular junctions by refluxate. Statistically significant differences in pepsin expression ofthe vocalcords mucosal were observed among groups(F=88.427,P<0.001).Group 2 exhibited elevated pepsin expression in the distal esophageal mucosa than Groups 1 and 3, suggesting concurrent GERD only occured in Group 2. Conclusion: Endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy induces LPRD in Bama minipigs without concurrent GERD by reducing upper esophageal sphincter pressure, thereby offering a model that closely resembles the clinical features of LPRD.
目的: 通过内镜下环咽肌切开术建立一种不合并胃食管反流的新型巴马小型猪咽喉反流模型。 方法: 动物实验于2023年5—10月选取12只8个月龄雄性巴马小型猪,随机均分为3组:环咽肌切开组(第1组),环咽肌+食管下括约肌切开组(第2组)和对照组(第3组)。将3组小猪在适宜温度、湿度的环境中饲养1周适应后,对第1组行内镜下环咽肌切开术,第2组行内镜下行环咽肌+食管下括约肌切开术,而第3组不做手术处理。术后2周分别对3组巴马猪进行咽喉部pH监测,术后8周行咽喉部黏膜苏木精-伊红染色、咽喉部黏膜透射电镜检查、咽喉部及食管下段黏膜胃蛋白酶定量测定,比较各组间是否存在显著差异,以明确咽喉反流是否发生及其病理特点。采用SPSS 27.0软件进行统计学分析。 结果: 在术后2周时,与对照组相比,实验组(第1组和第2组)均发生了pH<5.0的咽喉反流事件。术后8周的苏木精-伊红染色结果提示第1组、第2组咽喉部黏膜发生了炎性病理变化,透射电镜显示:细胞间隙扩大及细胞间桥粒数量减少。3组巴马猪声带黏膜的胃蛋白酶表达量存在显著性差异(F=88.427,P<0.001)。第2组巴马猪食管下段黏膜胃蛋白酶表达量高于第1组和第3组,而第1组与第3组的胃蛋白酶表达量相近。 结论: 内镜下环咽肌切开术通过内镜下暴露并切开环咽肌,降低食管上括约肌的压力,导致了巴马小型猪中不伴胃食管反流的咽喉反流事件的发生,是一种更符合咽喉反流性疾病特点的造模方式。.