The action of ozone in medicine is a subject of interest and lively, controversial debates. Its mechanisms of action are still far from fully understood. However, it is possible that ozone triggers a series of dynamics in living organisms related to chaos, multi-stable phenomena, and oscillatory processes. Ozone may be involved in adaptive chaos. Adaptive chaos in health and the reduction of complexity in pathology are interconnected phenomena that describe the functional dynamics of biological systems. Adaptive chaos refers to a state of controlled, complex, and flexible behaviour exhibited by healthy biological systems. It allows for a dynamic balance between order and unpredictability, enabling the system to respond to various internal and external stimuli. In pathological states, the system loses its adaptive chaos, often becoming either too rigid or overly chaotic. This reduction in complexity limits the ability of the system to respond effectively to stimuli, making it prone to dysfunction. This paper addresses the role of ozone in these scenarios.
Keywords: Adaptive chaos; Chaos; Complexity; Health; Hormesis; Ozone.
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