Vitamin C deficiency, colloquially known as scurvy, has become rare in modern times due to the widespread availability of ascorbic acid-rich foods. Despite this, it continues to be a concern in certain at-risk populations. The purpose of this report is to describe the case of a two-year-old girl who initially presented to a pediatric dental clinic with the chief complaint of hypertrophic gingiva and bleeding. Suspecting a systemic cause, the dental team referred the patient to a hematology clinic for further evaluation. Subsequent assessments and laboratory work confirmed a diagnosis of diet-related vitamin C deficiency. Management with supplements led to the resolution of the oral manifestations and normalization of laboratory values. This report details the clinical presentation and pathophysiology of vitamin C deficiency to assist healthcare providers in recognizing signs and symptoms, ensuring timely referral and facilitating appropriate treatment. Additionally, it underscores the importance of pediatric dentists as potentially the first clinicians to encounter such cases and their role in the multidisciplinary management of these pediatric patients.