A 68-year-old male developed foreign body sensation in both eyes, photophobia and tearing in the right eye approximately 6 weeks after initiating dupilumab for severe atopic dermatitis. The right eye presented a crescent-shaped superficial-stromal ulcer in the peripheral cornea with an undermined edge, which was separated from the limbus of the cornea by a clear zone. The left eye had a pannus at the limbus of the cornea. Corneal scraping, bacterial culture, and fungal culture excluded infections. The patient was administered 0.1% fluorometholone eye drops and recombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor eye drops. The patient's condition continued to improve during the follow-up period. At the revisit 82 days after the initial diagnosis, the corneal lesions of the right eye were basically healed, and the corrected visual acuity increased from 0.5 to 1.0.
1例68岁男性患者因重度特应性皮炎接受度普利尤单抗治疗后约6周,出现双眼异物感、右眼畏光及流泪,右眼周边部角膜可见一新月形浅基质溃疡,边缘呈潜行性,与角膜缘有透明区域相隔,左眼角膜缘血管翳。角膜刮片、细菌及真菌培养等检查除外感染,给予0.1%氟米龙滴眼液点右眼、重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子滴眼液点双眼治疗。随访期间病情持续好转,初诊82 d后复诊可见右眼角膜病灶基本愈合,矫正视力由0.5提高到1.0。.