Musculoskeletal Computed Tomography: How to Add Value When Reporting Adult Lower Limb Trauma

J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2024 Nov 14. doi: 10.1097/RCT.0000000000001675. Online ahead of print.


Computed tomography plays an ever-increasing role in the management of fractures and dislocations due to its capability in efficiently providing multiplanar reformats and 3-dimensional volume rendered images. It can reveal findings that are occult on plain radiography and therefore allow for more accurate decision making with regard to fracture classification and management. Clinical radiologists play a critical role in facilitating the processing of imaging to provide adequate image reformats in the desired planes, producing 3 dimensional images but most crucially identifying pertinent findings, which will contribute between the selection of nonoperative and operative management and potentially influence surgical technique. In an earlier article we have outlined the key findings that the radiologist should search for in major upper limb fractures and dislocations. In this second article we focus on the pelvis, acetabulum, femur, tibia, ankle, and foot and through a case-based approach provide a succinct overview of radiological findings that can play an important role in determining patient management.