The paper reports one case of osteitis condensans ilii treated with acupuncture in the young and middle-aged female patient. Based on the "analogy" thinking, bilateral Chengshan (BL57) and Ximen (PC4) were selected. The short needling was delivered at Chengshan (BL57), in which, the needle tip went directly to the bone surface and the needle was lifted and thrusted to induce the tolerable sensation. At Ximen (PC4), the needle was inserted, with the depth of 20 mm to 30 mm, and manipulated with the even needling technique. The needles were retained for 30 min. The treatment was given once every two days, 3 treatments a week. After treated for 3 weeks, the pain and discomforts in the lumbal and gluteal regions disappeared basically and no recurrence was found in 1-month follow-up visit.
报道1例致密性骶髂关节炎的中青年女性接受针刺治疗的情况。依据“取类比象”思维,选用双侧承山、郄门穴,选穴精少,承山采用“短刺”手法,即针尖直达骨面,在骨面上行提插法,以患者耐受为度,郄门直刺20~30 mm,行平补平泻法。隔日1次,1周治疗3次,治疗3周后,患者腰臀部疼痛不适基本消失,随访1个月未见复发。.
Keywords: analogy; costeitis condensans ilii; short needling.