Cardiovascular disease remains a prominent cause of disability and premature death worldwide. Within this spectrum, carotid artery atherosclerosis is a complex and multifaceted condition, and a prominent precursor of acute ischaemic stroke and other cardiovascular events. The intricate interplay among inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, lipid metabolism, and immune responses participates in the development of lesions, leading to luminal stenosis and potential plaque instability. Even non-stenotic plaques can precipitate a sudden cerebrovascular event, regardless of the degree of luminal encroachment. In this context, carotid imaging modalities have proved their efficacy in providing in vivo characterization of plaque features, contributing substantially to patient risk stratification and clinical management. This review emphasizes the importance of identifying high-risk individuals by use of current imaging modalities, biomarkers, and risk stratification tools. Such approaches inform early intervention and the implementation of personalized therapeutic strategies, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes in the realm of cardiovascular disease management.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular events; Carotid; Imaging; Stroke.
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