Prior work highlighted that procrastination and impulsivity shared a common neuroanatomical basis in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, implying a tight relationship between these traits. However, theorists hold that procrastination is motivated by avoiding aversiveness, while impulsivity is driven by approaching immediate pleasure. Hence, exploring the common and distinct neural basis underlying procrastination and impulsivity through functional neuroimaging becomes imperative. To address this, we employed elastic net regression to examine the links between whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity and these traits in 822 university students from China. Results showed that the functional connections between the default network and the visual network were positively associated with both traits, indicating that the dysfunction of higher-order cognition (eg self-control) may account for their tight relationship. A distinct neural basis was also identified: Procrastination was negatively associated with functional connections between the frontal-parietal network and the ventral-attention network and between the cingular-opercular network and the subcortical network. In contrast, connections between the default network and the somato-motor network were negatively associated with impulsivity. These findings suggest that procrastination may be rooted in emotion-regulation deficits, while impulsivity may be rooted in reward-processing deficits. This deeper understanding of their neural basis provides insights for developing targeted interventions.
Keywords: elastic net regression; functional connections; impulsivity; procrastination.
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