In order to obtain figures on the anaesthesia related maternal mortality in the Federal Republic of Germany, 707 hospitals have been addressed via questionnaire. Hospitals where obstetric departments and anaesthetic departments as well were available, were investigated for maternal mortality, anaesthetic requirements, and the complications which led to the maternal deaths during the period of 1971-1980. 38% (259 general hospitals and 10 university hospitals) responded; the geographical distribution seemed to be representative. The average maternal mortality rate was at 0.21%, which ranged from 0.21% for general hospitals to 0.16% for university hospitals. The overall anaesthesia related maternal mortality was around 6.4%. 20 of the reported 21 maternal deaths occurred under general anaesthesia and 1 under local anaesthesia; 17 patients died during caesarean section and 4 during vaginal delivery. The main complications which led to the maternal deaths were cardiac arrest and aspiration of gastric content with 38,1% each and convulsions with 4.8%. In 19% of the total maternal deaths the causes could not be determined. The importance of obstetric centres and of controlled anaesthetic methods delivery will be discussed on the basis of these and other figures which have been reported in the literature.