Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetic individuals and health professionals often assume that the symptoms of extremely low or high blood glucose (BG) levels can be recognized and, consequently, appropriate treatment decisions can be based on symptom perception. Because no research has documented the validity of these assumptions, this study tested the ability to perceive BG concentration. Nineteen type I adults, experienced in self-monitoring of BG (SMBG), estimated their BG 40-54 times just before measurement of actual BG. This procedure was repeated under two conditions: (1) in the hospital (hospital condition) while connected to an insulin/glucose infusion system that artificially manipulated BG, leaving subjects only symptomatic, or internal, cues and (2) in the natural environment (home condition), where both internal and external cues, e.g., food and insulin consumption, were available. Estimates significantly correlated with actual BG for 7 of 16 subjects in the hospital condition and for 18 of 19 subjects in the home condition. Believed ability to estimate BG did not predict documented ability in either condition. An evaluation of the treatment significance of estimation errors showed that the majority of errors were relatively benign. The most common error affecting clinical outcome was estimated euglycemia when actual BG was hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic.