The ADP/ATP carrier was studied by a fluorescent substrate, formycin diphosphate which is the only fluorescent ADP analogue to bind. Its low quantum yield, short decay time and spectral overlap with tryptophan has as yet prevented its wider use. By incorporating fluorescent acceptors of formycin diphosphate fluorescence, anthracene-maleimide and vinylanthracene, into the membrane, these difficulties were circumvented. Only bound formycin diphosphate transfers energy to the probes so that the secondary emission of these probes is a measure for membrane-bound formycin diphosphate. The fluorescent transfer is inhibited by ADP, bongkrekate and carboxyatractylate whether added before or after incubation of formycin diphosphate showing that only binding to the adenine nucleotide carrier is measured. It also shows directly that the earlier demonstrated ADP fixation by bongkrekate is indeed a displacement into the matrix. The fluorescence decay time of the bound formycin diphosphate is measured as 1.95 ns compared to 0.95 ns of the free formycin diphosphate, indicating that formycin diphosphate is bound at the carrier in a non-polar environment. The depolarization decay time was found to be larger than 15 ns, indicating that carrier-bound formycin diphosphate is immobile within this time period.