Transitory ischemic accident is an episode that commences abruptly with subjective or objective neurological disturbances, persists for a brief time, and returns to normal within 24 hours of onset with complete recuperation of neurological function. Using this as a basic definition, the authors specify the characteristic symptoms of different types of transitory ischemic accident and review in retrospect 150 cases of ischemic infarction in the region of the median cerebral artery. Thirty-eight percent of the patients suffered transitory ischemic accidents prior to stroke. The symptoms included the following, in order of frequency: motor nerve disorder, sensory nerve disorders, speech disturbances, and visual defects. Most of these patients presented a definite stroke within less than one month's time following the last transitory ischemic accident. The similarity of the symptoms in both conditions was noticeable. The authors study the angiographic images, the pharmacologic and toxic previous histories, and other associated diseases in each patient. They point out, lastly, that transitory ischemic accident should be considered the first manifestation of a cerebrovascular disease and not just as an isolate, reversible episode of little importance.