Three hundred and eighty three patients with epigastric pain underwent radiological and endoscopic examination of the bulb of the duodenum. Clinical, radiological and endoscopic characteristics were compared in the 79 patients with a duodenal ulcer and in the 68 with duodenitis only. Pain and a past history of ulcer disease were of no use in differentiating duodenal ulcer from duodenitis only. Radiological deformity of the bulb appeared to be a sign of duodenitis and not of duodenal ulcer, in contrast to a crater and convergence of the folds. No endoscopic sign was of value in differentiating duodenitis only from duodenitis associated with an ulcer. Active duodenal ulcers could be differentiated from scarred duodenal ulcers only on the basis of endoscopic findings. Endoscope is the best means for the study and diagnosis of duodenal disease. On the basis of these results and data already published, an analysis was undertaken of the relationship between duodenal ulcer and duodenitis only, and it is felt that many arguments are in favour of a unitary hypothesis, duodenal ulcer and duodenitis possibly being two forms of duodenal ulcer disease.