A radioimmunoprecipitation assay was used to study antibody responses to parainfluenza virus 3 glycoproteins in human sera. The method was not only more sensitive than the neutralization test for the detection of antibody but also provided semiquantitative assessments of the antibody response to both glycoproteins in a single assay system. Anti-hemagglutinin-neuraminidase titers were consistently higher than anti-fusion levels in the same serum specimen. Thirteen children were monitored serologically and virologically from birth until 12 months or more after their primary infection with parainfluenza virus 3. At 1 to 3 months after infection, a significant increase in the level of antibody to the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein developed in 12 children; of these, 9 showed rises in the level of fusion protein. In 11 of the children, antibody titers continued to rise and the geometric mean titers to the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein was highest in sera collected 8 to 10 months after primary infection. Reinfection as the reason for these progressive increases in antibody levels could only be confirmed for four of the children. Three other children had reinfections after the 10-month sera were obtained; in each instance the only antibody responses were to the fusion protein.