Lesions localized to the vessels arising from the aortic arch and those in the upper limbs were observed in 72 out of 84 patients with Takayasu's disease. In 54% of these 72 cases, other regions were affected, while only the vessels arising from the arch of the aorta were the site of lesions in the other 46% (isolated axillo-post-vertebral subclavian lesions were present in 14% of cases). Semiological features, long-term complications, and prognosis are discussed. 53 revascularizations were performed in 47 patients without mortality. Surgery is definitely indicated when severe stenosis of the brachiocephalic vessels or the main carotid arteries or their division exists. Revascularization of a subclavian artery stenosis should be limited to cases with ischemia of the upper limb on effort or when a histological diagnosis is required. Controversy exists as to the need for this operation in ectatic forms.