The content of an intrinsic ATPase inhibitor in mitochondria was determined by a radioimmunoassay procedure which showed the molar ratio of the inhibitor to ATPase to be 1:1. The ratio in submitochondrial particles, where half of the enzyme was activated, was the same as that of mitochondria, indicating that the inhibitor protein has affinity for the mitochondrial membrane as well as for F1-ATPase. The inhibitor protein could be removed from the mitochondrial membrane by incubation with 0.5 M Na2SO4 and concomitantly the enzyme was fully activated. The enzyme fully activated by the salt treatment was inactivated again by the externally added ATPase inhibitor in the presence of ATP and Mg2+. The enzyme-inhibitor complex (inactive) on the mitochondrial membrane was more stable than the solubilized enzyme-inhibitor complex but gradually dissociated in the absence of ATP and Mg2+. However, in mitochondria, the enzyme activity was inhibited even in the absence of the cofactors. A protein factor stabilizing the enzyme-inhibitor complex on the mitochondrial membrane was isolated from yeast mitochondria. This factor stabilized the inhibitor complex of membrane-bound ATPase while having no effect on that of purified F1-ATPase. It also efficiently facilitated the binding of the inhibitor to membrane-bound ATPase to form the complex, which reversibly dissociated at slightly alkaline pH.