According to the report by Sano, and our previous study of 900 cases of early gastric cancer, multiple gastric cancers were seen in 73 patients (8 percent). The remaining 827 had solitary cancers. In comparison with solitary cancers, multiple gastric cancers were seen more often in males, with the predominant histologic type being well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. A higher incidence (28 percent) of elevated types (I and IIa) was noticed in multiple gastric cancer cases than in solitary cancers (19 percent). The incidence of ulceration within the cancerous lesion was low (35 percent) in multiple cancers but high (69 percent) in solitary cancers. These differences between solitary and multiple cancers observed in 900 early gastric cancer cases were also noted between solitary and multiple cancers in the present series, regardless of the size of lesions.