During a period of 7 years, we have aggressively treated liver tumors whether primary or metastatic. Our experience after 43 curative major liver resections has shown an excellent overall survival: 34 of 43 patients still alive a median of 12 months after liver resection (patient ages ranged from 21 to 85 years, median 57 years). Nineteen patients underwent right hepatic lobectomy, 9 trisegmentectomy, 5 left hepatic lobectomy, 5 extended left hepatic lobectomy, 4 right lobectomy plus left lobe wedge resection, and 1 patient underwent a major hilar wedge resection. Two patients died from sepsis and hepatic failure on or before the 60th postoperative day. One patient with no evidence of recurrent colorectal cancer was lost to follow-up after 2.5 years. One patient died without cancer 12 months after left hepatic lobectomy for colon cancer metastases. Cumulative survival for the entire series and for patients after resection of colorectal cancer metastases was the same: 1 year survival 90 percent; 2 year survival 75 percent, and 3 year survival 65 percent. Seventeen of 30 patients remain disease-free after resection of liver metastases. Of the 13 who had recurrence, 8 are still alive. Ten recurrences were outside of the residual liver (predominantly multiple pulmonary metastases). One recurrence was in the right hemidiaphragm, and only three were in the residual or regenerated liver. Serial carcinoembryonic antigen analysis was the best indicator of recurrence in these 13 patients, 12 of whom were asymptomatic. These data confirm that major liver resection can be performed with minimum postoperative mortality (4.7 percent in this series). More importantly, the majority of patients were cured of their liver metastases. The next goal should be the initiation of adjuvant systemic therapy trials after liver resection in such patients.