IgE values obtained in 117 beta-thalassaemia patients were significantly higher than in age matched normal subjects. In 31 patients (26.5%) IgE levels were above 2 s.d. of normal values for age, but the frequency of IgE with reaginic activity was lower in patients (5.1%) than in controls (11.9%). The highest values were observed in splenectomized patients who were also positive for one or more serological markers of hepatitis B virus infection. The increase of IgE levels was directly correlated with the number of years after splenectomy, and patients with biopsy proven chronic liver disease had higher IgE levels than those without evidence of liver damage. On the other hand, IgE levels were not correlated with the number of transfusions, age, IgG, IgA, IgM levels or T cell subsets and mitogen responsiveness. These results show that beta-thalassaemia patients develop elevated IgE levels to which splenectomy and hepatitis B virus infection contribute in a synergistic manner.