A new apparatus is made for metrizamide cervical myelography. One part of the apparatus is a frame for immobilizing the head and the other is an assembly for guiding spinal needle insertion by lateral puncture. The head frame is made of concave plastic and three rubber discs for immobilizing the forehead and bilateral temporal region. The second piece of apparatus for guiding spinal needle insertion is movable in three directions: up and down, right and left and forward and backward. The sterilized guide made of acrylic is attached. The spinal needle is inserted along the groove of this sterilized guide. The apparatus makes it possible to locate the insertion point easily for the metrizamide cervical myelography by lateral C1-C2 puncture method in prone position, since the location of the tip of the inserted needle can be determined by the aid of lateral cervical x-ray and 10 mm scale, even if image intensifier of TV display screen is not available.