Using a technique by which binding sites for two antibodies can be visualized in single tissue sections, we have studied the distribution of neurones containing DOPA decarboxylase-like and dopamine beta-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in ganglia of dog sympathetic chain. Three types of neurones could be distinguished: those that contained both enzymes, and were presumably noradrenergic; those that contained neither enzyme, and were presumably not catecholaminergic; and a group that contained DOPA decarboxylase but lacked dopamine beta-hydroxylase. The numbers of cells of each type were counted in serially-sectioned ganglia from regions of the sympathetic chain thought to contain dopaminergic neurones (T12-L1 and L7-S2). The percentages of total cell numbers contributed by the DOPA decarboxylase-positive, dopamine beta-hydroxylase-negative cells in these regions were similar to the estimates of dopaminergic neurone numbers that can be made from previously obtained biochemical data. Our results are consistent with the presence of dopaminergic neurons in regions of the paravertebral chain supplying the kidney and the distal hindlimb.