For a period of four years we have been studying 106 healthy males and 66 healthy females, aged 6-10, by cross-sectional design, to look for evidence of a circannual rhythm in LH, FSH, testosterone, PRL, and cortisol secretion. Plasma samples were taken at 0800 h and all hormones were measured by RIA. A cosine function was fitted to the single data to indicate any significant circannual (about 1 year) rhythm and to estimate its parameters: mesor, amplitude, and acrophase. Annual changes were validated in the secretion of: LH (annual crest time in January in both sexes), testosterone (studied only in males, annual crest time in July), and PRL (significant rhythm only in females with annual crest time in March). FSH and cortisol did not show an annual rhythm in both sexes. Our data suggest that sex influences the circannual hormonal rhythms from prepuberty onwards.