In this study ocular conditions like cataract, corneal dystrophy, retinal detachment, primary glaucoma, myopia and strabismus have been examined for certain genetic markers to estimate the relative risks involved. The incidence of nontasters for PTC was significantly high in cases with congenital cataract, aphakic retinal detachment and convergent and divergent squint as compared to controls. Among nontasters, the frequency of total taste blindness was strikingly high in the disease group as compared to controls. Blood group A individuals showed significantly high risk for zonular cataract, corneal dystrophy and convergent squint; group B individuals for zonular cataract and group O individuals for nuclear cataract, myopia and convergent squint. There was a high preponderance of non-secretors in zonular cataract and primary glaucoma cases when compared to controls. The incidence of HbS (one case with primary glaucoma and the other with granular corneal dystrophy) and HbD (one case with senile cataract) were considered as chance occurrences. A strong association was found between Hp 2-2 and retinal detachments specially those with vitreous degenerations. In general, when compared to controls, the frequency of Hp 2-2 was relatively low in nuclear, zonular, cortical and senile cataracts, while it was high in rest of the diseases.