In connection with five cases of benign neurogenic intestinal tumors (3 solitary schwannomas, 1 schwannoma associated with a gastric schwannoma without von Recklinghausen's disease, 1 neurofibroma associated with von Recklinghausen's disease) and one malignant neurogenic tumor, the authors review the general and radiological features of these rare lesions. From a diagnostic standpoint, in view of the warning sign constituted by hemorrhage in the absence of von Recklinghausen's disease, angiography remains the most effective radiological technique. During von Recklinghausen's disease, lesions are usually small and undetectable by X-ray due to their intramural or subserosal situation. Even when radiological techniques allow a diagnosis to be made, a complete investigation of the entire digestive tract is advisable to determine whether the intestinal lesion detected is indeed solitary and responsible for any symptoms.