PIP: This study compared the effects of 3 tubal occlusion techniques on ovarian steroid secretion and menstrual patterns in 48 Thai women aged 20-35 years. 17 women underwent laparoscopic tubal electrocautery, 18 were sterilized with the laparoscopic Falope Ring, and 13 underwent suprapubic tubal ligation. Serum estrogen and progesterone were assessed every 5 days during the 1st 3 poststerilization months; subjects were followed for a total of 12 menstrual cycles after the procedure. Poststerilization patterns and levels of serum estradiol and progesterone were similar to those of a normal menstrual cycle, regardless of the type of tubal sterilization. 20% of cycles in the laparoscopic tubal electrocautery group, 13% in the Falope Ring group, and 8% in the suprapubic tubal ligation group revealed progesterone peak levels below 4 ng/ml. In each cycle of the 3 groups, serum estradiol creased to more than 150 pg/ml before the rise in progesterone. No abnormal uterine bleeding was noted. In addition, there were no significant changes in menstrual duration or flow in the 1-year follow up period with any of the 3 methods. Of the 3 methods investigated, laparoscopic tubal cautery resulted in the most frequent episodes of corpus luteal insufficiency.