Interference of Cu++ with the initial events in estrogen action was tested by determining Cu++ effects on estradiol-receptor interactions. When immature rat uteri were incubated in vitro with [3H] estradiol ([3H]E2), steroid was bound in cytoplasmic fractions and rapidly accumulated in the nuclear fraction in a manner which was dependent upon time and hormone concentration. Uteri which were preincubated with 2 X 10(-4) M CuCl2 for 40-60 min and then exposed to [3H]E2 were found to have a 30-50% decrease in the amount of steroid bound in the cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions. When copper-treated uteri were exposed to [3H]E2 for variable times, the quantity of steroid bound in the cytoplasmic fraction was markedly depressed and the rate of nuclear accumulation of [3H]E2 was significantly decreased. These results show that Cu++ can inhibit [3H]E2 binding to tissue cytoplasmic receptors in vitro and thereby interfere with hormone delivery to target cell nuclei.