The effects of 17 beta-estradiol benzoate (EB), ethynodioldiacetate and ovine prolactin on dopamine (DA) turnover have been studied. As an index for a change in turnover, differences in DA depletion following tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition with alpha-methyl-tyrosine methylester were observed. DA was measured by means of mass fragmentographical analysis in the rat median eminence, the olfactory tubercle and the striatum. The actions of ethynodioldiacetate and ovine prolactin on DA turnover in various subregions of the rat median eminence were analysed by quantitative microfluorimetry. Repeated injections of EB to ovariectomized rats resulted in a significant increase of DA turnover in the median eminence. Administration of ethynodioldiacetate to ovariectomized rats almost significantly increased DA turnover in the olfactory tubercle. In the median eminence DA turnover was significantly increased only in the lateral palisade zone. In male hypophysectomized rats ovine prolactin increased DA turnover in both the lateral and the medial palisade zone of the median eminence. The results support the involvement of DA neurons in the control of prolactin and luteinizing hormone secretion. It is suggested that the tubero-infundibular DA neurons are involved in mediating the central inhibitory feedback actions of prolactin and gonadal steroids on prolactin and LH secretion, respectively.