Genetic linkage studies are reported on two families with cleft lip +/- cleft palate. For the first family (LP01) the etiology of the clefting is unknown, and the linkage analyses were done assuming both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive inheritance. Close linkage is rejected with the Duffy blood group under the dominant model and with four loci (Duffy, Kidd, and ABO blood groups and haptoglobin) under the recessive model. The second family (LP02) is a Mexican-American family segregating the van der Woude syndrome with lip pits. The linkage analyses for this autosomal dominant trait excluded close linkage with seven genetic markers, including three on chromosome one. The maximum lod scores were 0.6 with BF (chromosome 6) and 0.4 with the P blood group, which is not yet mapped.