Sera from 63 patients with haemophilia A, 21 with haemophilia B and 29 with von Willebrand's disease were screened for the presence of circulating immune complexes (CICs), serological markers of hepatitis A and B virus, autoantibodies and factor VIII or factor IX inhibitors. CICs were detected by the 125J Clq binding assay (ClqBA), the solid phase conglutinin assay (KgBSP) and the solid phase Clq assay (ClqSP). The incidence of CICs detected by the ClqBA and the ClqSP methods in haemophiliacs and in von Willebrand patients was higher than that observed in normal subjects, while the prevalence of CICs detected by the KgBSP method was not. The presence of CICs was not correlated with patient age, severity of disease, presence of hepatitis B virus serological markers, abnormal liver function tests or factor VIII inhibitors. A significant connection was demonstrated between CICs detected by the ClqBA method and replacement therapy when the dose administered over 1 year was over 20 000 U of factor VIII or IX concentrates. The high proportion of CICs in von Willebrand's disease, not connected with the replacement therapy or the presence of serological markers of hepatitis virus, is in agreement with the possibility that immune complexes may be related to the disease itself and independent, at least in part, of exogenous agents.