A 2-year survey of burn victims in a 15-county region was conducted to help define the need for a burn unit. There were 1,165 patients hospitalized for burn care; 58 patients were transferred; 32 to more sophisticated facilities, 15 out of state. The mean hospitalization rate was 33/100,000; 95/100,000 for persons under 2 year old. The 42 hospitals, in the region treated an average of 14 burn patients each year. Scalds accounted for 39% of all burns and 85% of burns in children under 2. Burn-related deaths numbered 143: 4/100,000. House fires were responsible for 90 deaths. Despite incomplete records and the lack of firm criteria for burn severity, regional burn data describe the health care system, as it relates to burns, and identify high risk groups. The range inseverity of thermal injuries is great; the quality of care provided is difficult to assess.