The mechanism of invasion of human red blood cells by Plasmodium falciparum merozoites has been studied by several indirect methods. Red blood cells of the S+s+U+ and S-s-U- blood group phenotypes were trypsin treated and their susceptibility to invasion measured. Trypsin-treated S+s+U+ cells lack the portion of glycophorin A which bears the MN blood group determinants but possess glycophorin B, whereas trypsin-treated S-s-U- cells lack both the glycophorin A MN determinants and the glycophorin B molecule. Since the treated S-s-U- cells showed an even greater loss in susceptibility to invasion that the treated S+s+U+ cells, we conclude that glycophorin B does have a role In merozoite recognition, although it appears less important than glycophorin A. Attempts to decrease invasion by pretreatment with glycosidases were unsuccessful, except for the previously reported effect of neuraminidase. N-acetyl-D-glucosamine decreases the appearance of ring-stage parasites after in vitro reinvasion of P. falciparum. However, the persistence of intact and lysed schizont-infected cells when N-acetyl-D-glucosamine was present, several hours after disappearance of these cells from control cultures, leads us to conclude that this sugar has a deleterious effect on terminal stages of parasite maturation. It is therefore not possible to conclude that N-acetyl-D-glucosamine inhibits merozoite attachment and reinvasion specifically by competition for the receptor.