The perforated irrigation needle was used to test a high-volume (20 c.c.) final flush of prepared root canals. Three solutions: TEGO 1 percent, NaOCl 5.25 percent, and REDTA were tested. The roots were split longitudinally and were prepared for examination under the scanning electron microscope immediately after preparation and final flushing. In addition, groups were prepared and flushed in the same manner, but after splitting they were soaked in the respective solutions for 3 hours and then examined. The results indicated that the smeared layer is caused by instrumentation, that it is not removed by TEGO or NaOCl, and that it is removed by REDTA. It may be that the smeared layer is a slurry of dentin filings, since REDTA does not remove soft tissue. All solutions produced a canal quite free of debris; however, none of the tested irrigants was completely satisfactory by itself.