Between 1965 and 1976, 83 previously untreated children aged 15 years and under, with biopsy-confirmed Hodgkin's disease were assessed, treated, and followed-up at Hoôpital Saint-Louis, Paris. Clinical stages were IA-IIA for 59, IB-IIB for 19, and III-IV for 5 patients. Two main types of treatment were used: - monochemotherapy-radiotherapy in 26 patients who received mantle field irradiation followed by monthly vinblastine injections for 3 years; - 57 patients received a combination of MOPP and radiotherapy. The MOPP-radiotherapy treated patients have a significantly better survival and relapse-free survival than the monochemotherapy-radiotherapy treated patients (86.9 p. cent vs 76.1 p. cent and 83.5 p. cent vs 65.4 p. cent). Thirteen relapses were observed after a median complete remission period of 30 months: 6 patients are now free from disease and one is still under treatment. Ten patients died after a 55 months median survival: 7 died from Hodgkin's Disease and 3 from treatment toxicity. No secondary cancer or leukemia has been observed. The main long-term complications of therapy were sterility in male patients, after chemotherapy, and growth defects and disturbances of thyroid functions after radiotherapy.