Four radioimmunoassays (RIA) are described for the quantitation of serum thymic factor (facteur thymique serique, FTS), a thymic peptide hormone. Each assay employs an antibody specific for FTS, synthetic FTS (Glp-Ala-Lys-Ser-Gln-Gly-Gly-Ser-Asn) as the hormone standard, and a radioiodinated FTS analogue as the tracer. Since FTS lacks a tyrosine residue, 2 FTS analogues were synthesized by the solid-phase method with tyrosyl-alanyl or 3-(2,6-dichlorobenzyl)tyrosyl-alanyl in place of the amino-terminal pyroglutamyl residue (Glp). They showed full FTS immunoreactivity and their radioiodinated derivatives served as FTS tracers. Two assays used the antiserum from a rabbit immunized with an FTS-protein conjugate. Two other assays used a monoclonal antibody against FTS produced by a hybridoma derived from mouse myeloma cells and splenocytes from a BALB/c mouse immunized with an FTS-mouse IgG conjugate (Ohga et al., 1982). All 4 RIAs were specific for FTS. The more sensitive rabbit antiserum can detect as little as 1 pg of FTS in a 50 microliters sample, which may allow quantitation of the FTS circulating in human peripheral blood.