Clinical, surface ECG, and intracardiac findings were analyzed in 20 patients with spontaneous conduction disturbances in whom vagally mediated AV block could be induced by carotid sinus pressure during electrophysiologic evaluation. The latter demonstrated that the surface ECG pattern attributed to bradycardia-dependent (phase 4), and paroxysmal block within the His bundle and bundle branches could reflect vagally mediated, bradycardia-associated (rather than bradycardia-dependent), and paroxysmal AV nodal (AH) block. The decision regarding the use of pacemakers was not based on QRS duration or on patterns (or site) of block but on the underlying clinical settings and the correlation of symptoms with maximal ventricular (R-R) pauses. However, more studies are required to extend our findings, especially to other subgroups of patients (or normal individuals) in whom vagally mediated block occurs.