1. The metabolic fate of orally given deuterated L-tyrosine, 50 mg/kg body weight, was investigated in seven patients with tyrosinemia type I in order to obtain evidence that the primary defect is at the level of fumarylacetoacetase. 2. The absence of fumarylacetoacetase could be proved in liver biopsy specimens obtained from four patients. 3. All patients excreted deuterated succinylacetoacetate and deuterated succinylacetone was detected in six out of seven. The total amount of these compounds was rather low; maximal 8.3% of the dose. The peak of the excretion occurred 3-6 h after loading, indicating an endogenous formation of the metabolites. 4. All patients excreted deuterated 4-hydroxyphenyl acids, probably reflecting secondary 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase deficiency connected with liver damage. 5. No evidence for other secondary routes of tyrosine metabolism was found.