We have developed an approach to human developmental biology which exploits somatic cell genetics. With this system we have examined the production of the HLA-A,B,C antigens, A human-mouse somatic cell hybrid was constructed which contained a human X-7 chromosome translocation carrying the HLA region; this hybrid was used as a donor of the X-6 translocation in the technique of microcell transfer. The X-6 chromosome recipient was the mouse embryonal carcinoma cell line PCC4. The microcell hybrid MCP-6 retained the embryonal carcinoma phenotype as judged by shape and absence of H-2 expression. Nonetheless, the expression of the HLA-A,B,C genes was not extinguished. HLA-A,B,C antigen production of the cell surface, however, was not detected because this hybrid apparently could not make beta 2-microglobulin.