The study was performed on 124 patients divided into 4 groups on the basis of vaginal smears: 1) 60 patients with mild non-specific bacterial vaginitis; 2) 40 patients with moderate or severe non-specific bacterial vaginitis; 3) 10 patients with moderate or severe monilial vaginitis; 4) 14 patients with moderate or severe trichomonal vaginitis. Each group was subsequently divided at random into two subgroups, comprising the same number of patients, who were treated under double blind conditions with vaginal douches of 10/00 benzydamine of placebo (1 douching per day for 10 days). Specific standard therapy with antibiotics, antimycotic and antitrichomonal agents was used concomitantly in groups 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Vaginal smears, performed a few days after the end of the treatment period, and the improvement in symptoms and sings, demonstrated the curative action of benzydamine in mild non-specific vaginitis as well as its symptomatic effect and potentiation of specific therapy in moderate and severe bacterial, monilial and trichomonal vaginitis.