Complex evaluations of the function of peripheral blood granulocytes in the Phenol Plant workers were made. Only precise examinations of the bactericidal and ingestive functions as well as the metabolism of those cells may lead to the discovery of a clinically unnoticeable insufficiency of the system as has been confirmed by other authors and by our own previous studies. Routine methods of separating granulocytes of heparinized peripheral blood were used. Phagocytic activity of cells after contact with three antigens was studied. Bactericidal activity of granulocytes in the presence of Staph. aureus and antibactericidal activity of lysosomal proteins of granulocytes were evaluated. According to the general assessment, no permanent disturbances of the granulocyte function were observed in the phenol plant workers. However, disturbances of the phagocytic and bactericidal abilities were detected in some individual cases. In general evaluation no disturbances of function of granulocytes concerning all some cases phagocytary and bactericidal abilities did not occur simultaneously.