The authors studied the presence of visceral calcification as evidenced by the visceral uptake of bone-seeking radionuclides during the course of a bone scan among 22 patients with terminal renal failure maintained on dialysis, nine patients with hypercalcemia secondary to malignancy, and nine patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Uptake by the lungs or stomach was observed in 11 renal failure patients (50%) and in four of those with malignancy and hypercalcemia (44%). None of the patients with primary hyperparathyroidism had evidence of visceral calcification. The serum CaXP product was significantly higher among those with visceral calcification than those without. The results of this study indicate that a CaXP product of 60 represents the saturation product of calcium phosphate in serum above which spontaneous precipitation of this salt may occur in such viscera as stomach and lungs.