PIP: With a Pearl index of 2.0-2.6, IUDs are used by about 15 million women around the world, or about 7.4% of married women. The mode of action of IUDs is still not completely clear; it is probable that the device inhibits implantation and impairs spermatozoa motility. The article reports on the case of a young multipara, wearer of a copper IUD for 5 years, hospitalized for bleeding and severe pain. Laparotomy revealed tubal pregnancy and a ruptured right tube. The patient left the hospital in very good condition 10 days after the operation. While the incidence of uterine pregnancy in IUD wearers is reputed to be 1.76%, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy goes from 2.5% to 9.85%, according to different authors, or a risk 10 times higher than that of nonwearers. Whether the device itself is the cause of the ectopic pregnancy is still debated. It is possible that the inflammatory action caused by the IUD at the endometrial level, and which inhibits implantation, is not so great at the level of the tubes, thus allowing an ectopic pregnancy.