We present for study a series of 80 patients suffering from renal adenocarcinoma, pointing out that the most frequent reason for consultation was hematuria, observed in 44 patients (57.5%) which constituted at the same time the predominating initial symptom. The period of time which elapsed between its presentation and the diagnosis ranged, in most cases, between 1 and 6 months. There were numerous paraneoplastic findings, of which hyper-alpha2-globulinemia 21/25 patients (60%) and high sedimentation speed 41/80 (51.2%) were important due to their frequency. Metastases were detected in 16 patients with the most frequent location being the bone system, 11 cases (55%). We point out the need for a good knowledge of the varied evolutionary behaviour of this kind of neoplasia and the numerous systemic repercussions, with a view to obtaining an earlier diagnosis in the absence of local symptoms, in order to improve the prognosis.