A lengthened umbilical artery catheter incorporating an oxygen electrode (Searle) was flow-guided to the pulmonary artery in 48 out of 62 attempts (77.4%). In the last 70 catheters used, electrode performance was evaluated over a total of 3687 h by comparison with an ABL2 (Radiometer) blood-gas analyser; 654 comparisons were made, of which 255 resulted in recalibration of the electrode output. When sampling intervals were within 6 h, in more than 80% of the comparisons the difference between in vivo and in vitro measurement was within +/- 0.4 kPa (+/- 3 mm Hg). Twenty-four electrodes were removed sooner than clinically indicated (mean useful life 48.5 h) because of failure of oxygen or pressure measurements.