Persistence of antibodies 4 years after vaccination with measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine from three different manufacturers was compared in 475 children who received a single injection of vaccine when aged 12-18 months. Antibodies to measles and mumps were measured using a plaque reduction neutralisation assay; rubella antibodies were measured by radial haemolysis and latex agglutination. Children given MMR vaccine containing the Urabe mumps strain were less likely to be antibody negative than those given the Jeryl Lynn mumps strain (39/266, 15% vs 39/204, 19%, p = 0.048). However, the relatively high proportions in both groups without detectable mumps neutralising antibody suggests the probable need for a second dose in order to achieve mumps elimination. No significant differences were found in the proportions with detectable antibody to measles between vaccines containing the Schwarz and the Enders-Edmonston strains. Overall, only 3% of vaccinees were without detectable measles antibody, although a further 28% had a level below 200 mille International Units, the putative protective level for clinical measles. Geometric mean titres (GMTs) to measles were twofold higher in girls vaccinated after than before 14 months of age; GMTs in boys were intermediate and showed no age effect. Over 99% of vaccinees were seropositive to rubella, confirming the excellent immunogenicity of the RA 27/3 rubella strain and the potential for elimination of rubella with a single dose strategy.