Objective: Our purpose was to determine whether daily antenatal testing in the expectant management of severe preeclampsia remote from term prevents stillbirth or neonatal compromise at birth.
Study design: We reviewed the medical records of 68 women with severe preeclampsia remote from term who underwent expectant management with daily fetal testing until delivery. On admission each patient had reassuring nonstress testing (absence of persistent severe variable or late decelerations), biophysical profile (> or = 6), and amniotic fluid volume (> or = 2 cm maximal vertical pocket before 32 weeks or amniotic fluid index > or = 5 after 32 weeks).
Results: There were no stillbirths. Twenty-one patients (31%) had nonreassuring testing necessitating delivery. Two neonatal deaths occurred as a result of complications of prematurity. There were no statistical differences in the cord arterial pH (p = 0.93) or in the 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores (p = 0.18 and p = 0.88, respectively) between those with normal and abnormal antenatal testing.
Conclusions: Because optimizing neonatal outcome is the only reason to prolong pregnancy in women with severe preeclampsia, confirmation of fetal well-being is mandatory. Because neither stillbirths nor fetal compromise at birth occurred in patients undergoing daily antenatal testing, we recommend daily testing in patients with severe preeclampsia managed expectantly.